Tag Archives: Love

Homemaker Extraordinaire

The other day I listened to a conversation between my son and his Children. He was talking about what women used to be like. He fondly spoke of his grandmother Greta and how she could do anything! He often stayed with her in her cute little house in Garden Grove California, she had a big back yard and a clothes line. She washed her clothes in a Maytag automatic but she hung them on her clothes line. He was fascinated with that! She had a park bench under a big maple tree (she brought a seedling in her purse when she moved here from Canada) and it loved California and grew to be huge. It was beautiful and shaded the left side of the yard. She had orange trees, peach, cherry and a big lemon tree too. She made her own cherry jam and he went on to emphasize his grandmother could do anything. She was a great cook and she could sew beautiful clothes and make quilts and everything! Sometimes at night they would sit in the yard and watch the fireworks light up the sky over the Matterhorn at Disneyland.  It was magical for him, he felt like he lived in Disneyland.  Later in his life I reminded him he did!  She was what people used to call a homemaker and a homemaker extraordinaire she was!

He never mentioned she worked in a bank for thirty years, why? Because she was a widow forced to work and she thought of that as just earning a living…the rest of the time she created wonderful meals and beautiful clothing for her kids, it was what she liked to do. She taught “joy”. She loved her role as a grandmother and mother and she shone with a bright light for all to see. She talked about seeing “God in all things” and he was blessed with “love” personified.

Of course he is thankful for the life he had with me as his mother, but I couldn’t hold a candle to my mother when it came to practical life and survival. I was a “corporate raderette” part of the “Women’s Lib” movement that told us we could have it all, what bunk! I know now I missed a lot. I had more material things than most ever dream of but not near as much fun.

She grew up during the Depression with her sisters and they learned to Survive. (read Angels of Warwick) go to my website Judith Slaughter Author. They learned to be thankful and listening to him I realized what wonderful value grandmothers are! I knew of course, but not anything like I know now.

My daughter in law is a “stay at home mom” and I thank God for that. I have told her on several occasions, “you can always work, but you can’t always enjoy your kids when you are away at work”. I speak from experience!

Life has so many wonders, we truly are too soon old and too late smart but I am trying to make up for it. On my mother’s eightieth birthday we took her to Disneyland Club 33 for dinner and I told her “Mom, I hope my child loves me as much as your child loves you”. We are never too old to learn and never too old to do the right thing so I go forward with her wisdom and try to put it in motion daily.

We are all a little cup of God, teach your grandchildren that and they will be happy and prosperous…my mom taught me and she taught my child too. Family is everything.


I decided some time ago to just BE. Most of my life I hurried around always on some mission to get something done, twirling through life on tippy toes and not stopping to just BE.
Going to Church is a just BE moment. If you sit quietly and look at the fabulous stained glass windows, maybe God will wink at you! I like to think HE is glad I am there and I don’t need to hear every word. I zone….I just BE. It is my Zen time, my meditation, even the colors look different.

I just Be when I take my walks too. I take the time to listen to the birds, gaze at the mountains and smell the fresh cut grass. I admire the many magnificent flowers, sometimes I even smell them! All nature is beautiful, I make an effort to take it in.
I always talk to God on my walks. I ask him questions, he answers in mysterious ways. I play games like, God, if you want me to do something different with my life…point it out, show me. I want to do the right things, help me accomplish that. Give me Wisdom and let me shine!

You know that little light that shines in us? We all have one, it is the Holy Spirit. I want my light to shine brightly. I don’t want to be in a hurry, why should I be? I worked for forty four years…can’t I just BE now? I promise to evolve, I promise to pay attention and I promise to be a teensy bit better everyday. If we are our thoughts, let me have good ones.

I’m done with the News! I want to be informed so I will tape my favourite programs and watch the good commentators on each one…I promise to watch the programs I don’t always agree with too. Then, I will turn it off. I have come to the conclusion they have to be on for 24/7 and half of it they make up!

I pray for the country to get strong good moral leaders even if we don’t deserve them. Lately we don’t. I also pray for the leaders we have to get a good dose of Wisdom. I have only one vote, I can’t change Washington but I can be a “little light” and change what I can here and now. The one thing I can easily do is BE kind. Every grandparent should make it their mission to teach their grandchildren to BE kind. Let their parent’s worry about their grades and their electronics, teach them to be kind and give them a gift that will hold them in high esteem every day for the rest of their lives.

For years I have worn a little gold bee with golden citrines and black onex. It is my trademark piece and for years I wore it as a “Queen Bee”. Now I look at her and think how she has taught me to just BE. Yes, she has changed too. I can be kind and I can BE and that is my goal.

Just BE, it isn’t easy but I’m getting the hang of it!

Being a Kid……..even forever maybe

When I was a child we didn’t have all the electronics and fun games kids have today. We are never going back, but I think it is time to concentrate on the “little things” that make life grand, maybe only once a month but do it.

Disneyland, Sea World, game parks have absolutely nothing on walking in the park with grandchildren and letting them “discover” nature like we did. Picking leaves from trees and identifying them, watching a bird build it’s nest, following ants on the ground making ant hills, listening to the birds and just plain looking at the sky and “seeing God in all things.”

You don’t need pockets of money to entertain them, grandparents have a special place in their lives and it doesn’t have to be the same things their parents provide or daily television shows they shouldn’t watch. Sit with them and watch a documentary on their country and how far we have come. Let them learn and not just do! Tell them about their ancestors, trust me on this, they love to know about themselves and how they came about. Be a storyteller…it never gets old.

Life isn’t just activity toward an end, it is enjoying every minute and knowing how.

How many children today really know how lucky they are…I mean really know. They think “things” will make them happy because that’s what they see, but when you open up the world’s possibilities to them that are right before their eyes and they actually learn to appreciate…they have it all. Teach them what I call dynamite phrases like…”you are a little cup of GOD” or “God watches us, let’s make him happy today”. “That little light inside of you shines when you are good…I can see it shine!”

Imagine your child coming to you with real wonder in his eyes because he saw a falcon or a small woodland creature like a fox. This is an uncommon occurrence and a privilege you can give them by simply sharing nature walks. And, in California they are everywhere and all around us. We live in a huge nature reserve, no matter where you are there are mountains, canyons, meadows and the incredible ocean and all moments from us all. Block out the traffic and the television noise and get out there and share it with your grandchildren. The toys and clothes we buy for them are soon forgotten, but the memories we make for and with them are forever.

Grandmothers Wisdom!

I recently saw a survey by our government on children with sleep deprivation. I was curious, why do we need to spend money on this nonsense? it creates a nothing job for a nobody! Scientists in clinical studies came to the conclusion, children need a minimum of eight hours sleep every night to get good grades and have better moods.

Alright, I will agree, but how do we accomplish this? With parenting, not guilt that the little darlings don’t see enough of you. What they don’t see is enough of the inside of their eyelids.

The article also said the parents have better relationships when the children go to bed by eight o’clock every night. This gives them a chance to be alone! Wow, this is news. It can create better relationships and of course the result will be happier children.

Alright, I totally agree. Now, I ask you this, did we need to spend taxpayer money to find this out? Did we need a study? Let me tell you what should have been done.

They should have asked a grandmother, almost any grandmother. It might be fun to ask them about the kids diet too. When I was little, we got potato chips on Saturday night and half a coke. We stayed up until 9:00 and we got up and went to Mass. We had a Hershey bar maybe once a month and my family were not poor!

Before bed, my mother gave the three of us a small bowl of cereal with a little milk. (I was four years older so my job was to read to my siblings for 30 minutes) and they loved it. Voila! The milk made us sleep and we got up ready to go. My mother didn’t need a study, we went to bed at eight o’clock and we got up at 7:00, ate our breakfast and went to school for 8:00. We were happy, healthy children and our parents had a happy health relationship.

So, next time, just ask the grandmother. She has the right stuff.

What Would JESUS Do?

What if Jesus came to visit us today? He comes for someone everyday, but what if he actually walked amongst us and gave us some of HIS wisdom on our level in this time and place.

I think he would be glad about many things and very sad about others. He knows America is the greatest place on earth and he knows His Father gave us a lot of opportunity for privilege and prosperity. He would wonder why so many don’t want to thank HIM.

He would be disappointed in our bloated government and expect us all to contribute to society. He didn’t say a thing about taking from one to give to another. A Person who doesn’t work can’t help a soul! He would wonder why 40% have disengaged and are waiting for the good Samaritan!

He would be ashamed how we only had ten rules to follow and we have so much trouble following them…especially when they were just made for our lives to be better.

Jesus knew a man must work to earn his pay and he didn’t say anything about giving it to others or taking it either! HE did say we were supposed to look after each other with generous acts of charity from the heart not just the wallet. Helping the poor with education, giving them help when needed but not making them need it forever!

Kind words, respect of self and property, helping the poor with job creation and language, there is plenty to do.

Teaching our children to love and respect each other and to love HIM, do you think that would please him?

That’s what we are down here for! To be better and help each other, problems are not solved with just money…money is temporary. The government can’t solve much without our involvement either! A good life is for all of us to aspire to by doing the right Things. In America we have the right to pursue happiness…it doesn’t say anywhere it is a sure thing! It takes perseverance and strong character and trust me on this….a little Jesus goes a long way.

When they ask Jesus for food, shelter, marijuana and all the ‘things’ they think they need…I think Jesus would smile…and teach them to fish.

ROCKERS, you, me and your kids!

This morning I watched “Outnumbered’ and the guest was one of my favourite people, Gene Simmons. Yes he is a rocker, but what a smart one. When my son Jeff was ten, I took him and a few of his friends to see KISS perform in L.A. and I had as much fun as they did.

Jeff wanted to go so badly, he convinced me Paul Stanley was a Christian! I laughed to myself but even then I realized how brilliant they all had to be to paint their faces and hide their “identity”, they can still perform today like youngsters. And they are good.

Jeff and I used to dance around the stereo to ‘Christine 16’ and ‘Firehouse’, I was a fan of the Rolling Stones but KISS was better for the younger set.

My husband and I went to see ‘Credence Clearwater’ revisited in Rancho Mirage last weekend and memories of my little Jeffrey dancing to ‘Down on the Corner’ flooded my eyes with tears. Music is a powerful glue that can bind us together.

Gene Simmons is an Israeli, American, he is funny, engaging and very intelligent. He did a bit on how kids can succeed and also how women should make their own money, he was funny but what he said was true. He said the most important person in your life is your mother and you better know it. A psychiatrist friend of mine once told me, a child can survive a bad father, but a bad mother is most often a different story.

The prisons are filled with children who had bad parents, not all did but most. Gene said “No” is a word every parent should be familiar with. I totally agree, I believe you are not their friend, you are their guidance councillor!

I agree with Gene, but just once in a while it is really fun to be their friend and take them to see one of their favourite musicians. I took Jeff to see the Rolling Stones when he was 30 years old and he loved it. We wore black leather jackets, jeans and boots and we had a great time. It’s o.k. to be their friend once in a while….it’s good for you too, but being their parent will always be the most rewarding and beneficial role you ever play. A good conservative, strong reasoning parent who gives them boundaries, loves them unconditionally and talks to them regularly!

My book, THE ANGELS OF WARWICK, is all about family relationships…the ties that bind. Read it and meet some wonderful, quirky, marvellous people you will never forget and I hope you love them as much as I did!

Faith and the abundant life

Isn’t it interesting how differently people respond to the same set of circumstances?
Poverty brings determination to some and hopelessness t others.
A financial set back becomes a challenge to some and a crippling set-back to others.
Education provides a stable life for some and promotes riots and rebellion in others.
Freedom drives some to vigilance and others to violence.
Faith in God to some is an eternal source of strength, to others it is a myth or a nice story only used when needed. The truth is we become what we are thinking about all day. Our thoughts and attitudes influence our lives. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. In all my books I try to get a little moral wisdom in just for the record! We all need it, maybe I need it even more than you! My characters are very human so they make mistakes, but they are redeemable like us all. I have come to realize this magnificent life of ours will soon be past, but what is done for God truly will last. Peace be with you.

Guardian Angels

They are for real, honest. There are several books in the Bible that refer to Angels amongst us, we must be open to it and be aware of their presence.

Ever been alone in the house and heard someone call your name? Yes you have. Or felt a breeze on your cheek when the doors and windows are closed?

OR, perhaps you have a magnificent thought or think of someone you haven’t heard from in years and suddenly they call! And you say…I was thinking of you and you were!

It’s your angel at work.

Every morning when I wake up I say good morning to my angel and ask her to guide me through the day. I have done this for years. Want your kids to come closer to spirituality? Teach them about their angel and when you come into a room, welcome their angel and then them. They’ll get it, kids love it.

We all need to know someone is watching over us besides just mortals. We can ask our angel to speak to God for us, we can talk to God ourselves but sometimes (depending on what you’re asking for) it’s nice to have an alie! Get to know your angel, call her by name, it will come to you. Or, perhaps your angel is a man, it’s possible, give him a name you like, make it real.

I promise your life will change. When you’re driving, talk to your angel. You will feel the anxiety of traffic melt away. This takes practice, but practice is perfect. We never know when our angel is going to tell us there is a job in Heaven for us and we will be leaving, so treat every person you know like it is their last day and yours as well. Your angel will help you, just ask. If you are a religious person you probably already know your angel but if you are not, try it…I think you’ll like it.

Judith Slaughter: Watch for Angels of Warwick, coming soon.

Angels Amongst Us

Would you be afraid to meet an angel? If you were walking along minding your own business and an angel walked up to you and said “Hello, my name is Angel #68 trillion, and I’d like a little chat. Would you be up for it? Would your heart flutter and bang, would you think you were dying? Could you look her in the eye? Would your first thought be to run away as fast as you can or would you think you were dreaming, your mind was playing tricks on you or that you finally cracked from too much stress.

Settle down, it could be all those things but wouldn’t it be awesome. You could ask questions like, What is Heaven like? Do you know my family? How are they doing? They are up there aren’t they? Once you got over the fear you could really enjoy yourself.

What’s it like to be an angel? Do you really just fly around heaven all day or do you have a job? Do you always have to wear the same outfit or can you change it up? I’d want fluffy pink wings and a pink outfit with a little glitz. Does GOD check with you now and then? Is Jesus as nice as they say, is HE handsome? All the movies depict him as a soft spoken, gorgeous man with long hair and a perfectly groomed beard. Does he look like that? Once you got going you could ask almost anything. Does HE know who I am? Does HE like me? Am I doing what I’m supposed to do? Do I disappoint HIM sometimes?

You won’t believe me but we meet angels everyday. We rush by them in a hurry to get to work or wherever. They talk to us too, we don’t always listen, but we should. Sometimes your kids are angels with wisdom beyond belief, sometimes your parents are angels, guardian angels because it’s their job. Sometimes it’s your spouse, actually a lot of the time it’s your spouse. And sometimes it’s a perfect stranger who knows you are in crisis and smiles at you or says something nice like, you sure are pretty or I love your outfit.

Suddenly, you know everything is going to work out.

I knew two Angels intimately and I wrote a book about them. ANGELS OF WARWICK,.  Read my book and get to know them.  They are wise and enchanting and they may teach you how to recognize Angels, it will change you and you will like it.


I worked into an executive position when females were not expected to be more than secretaries. Even if they got an executive job, they usually got their own coffee. I didn’t know they were going to take over!

No matter how hard we try, we can’t change mother nature. Now, don’t get your panties in a bunch, men chase women and they like to be caught. Actually, I think since Eve, we have plotted and planned the entire mess. To many women, I would have an “old fashioned view” but if you remember you are a GIRL you can easily win this battle.

Men like us more than we like them. Personally, I like men and always have. I have three grandsons and I want them to be happy and successful and find good women for themselves. What worries me today is, what is a good woman? Do young girls know?

In my day a good woman was honest, smart, respectful, kind, caring, had a good sense of humor, attractive (even the animals look for the most attractive mate) and willing to let a man FEEL like a man. Hey, she was superwoman! You’re a woman, so easy to do. Don’t get confused with Life and Career, work is important but it’s not the most important. Your life is, don’t define yourself by your career, you are way more than that!

If you liked a man you dressed for him, you wore his favorite perfume, you cared about his thoughts and you expected him to treat you like a LADY. Personally, I like to feel cherished and I think everyone can have that, but it’s not automatic, you have to work at it! Everything in life is a challenge, it’s what makes us get up everyday.

Take a look at the people who have it easy..see all the trouble they get into? It’s a goal for every woman to be loved, wanted and appreciated….CHERISHED. Earn it, you want a good man don’t you? GO GET HIM AND DON’T EVEN THINK OF ENTERTAINING A MARRIED MAN. If you think about yourself first (as you should) you will see, people bring their own heartache for the most part. Get the man who wants you and then enjoy him, IT’S THE SECRET TO LIFE! (At least one of them)